PermalinkAbout Tree
A depth-indented file list is produced by a recursive directory listing programme, or "tree," in Linux. The tree displays a list of all the files in the current directory without any arguments. The tree alternately shows each file per directory located in the specified directories at the moment directory parameters are provided. The tree will provide the total number of directories and files mentioned once it has finished listing every directory and file. There are several choices available to change the character that is used in the output and to utilize color.
PermalinkInstalling Tree Command
Firstly use sudo apt-get update
Then use sudo apt install tree
PermalinkAbout File Hierarchy
In a hierarchical tree, where relationships are understood in terms of teams of children and parents, Ubuntu organizes files, similar to all UNIX-like systems. Along with normal files, which are the "leaves" of the tree, folders can also include other directories. A path name can be used to refer to any element of the tree. An absolute path name begins with the letter / (designating the root directory, which includes all other directories and files), followed by a list of all child directories that must be navigated in order to get to the element, each one separated by a / sign.
PermalinkThe Types Of Files
In the above image, you can see that we are in the user directory.
In the above image, you can see that we are in the root folder where all the files are stored.
we used cd / to switch to the root folder as here cd is the command to change the directory and / depicts the root folder.
PermalinkFeatures Of The Files
/bin - It is a location for the most popular terminal commands, all the commands which we use in shell and in our Linux operating system are stored here such as ls, mount, rm, etc.
/dev - includes all of the system's device files, which are not ordinary files but rather make reference to the system's numerous hardware components, such as hard discs. Everything on the Linux filesystem is either a file or a directory, which is highlighted by this really intriguing directory. If you go through this directory, you should notice hda1, hda2, etc., which stand in for the several partitions on the system's first master drive.
/etc -includes configuration files that are system-wide and impact how the system behaves for all users. According to the definition, a "configuration file" is a local file that is used to manage a program's operations; it must be static and cannot be an executable binary.
/home - This is where users' home directories may be found.
/proc -is a virtual filesystem that gives the kernel a way to communicate with processes. The term "process information pseudo-file system" has been used occasionally to describe it. It just contains runtime system information rather than "real" files.
/sys - is a virtual filesystem that may be used to modify the kernel's perception of the system or to collect information about it.
/tmp - is where apps store their temporary files. This is a common tool used by many programme to generate lock files and store temporary data. If you are not sure what you are doing, do not remove files from this directory! Many of these files are crucial for programme that is presently executing, so removing them might cause the system to crash.
/usr - includes most of the user utilities and programme and partially mimics the root directory structure, including, among other things, /usr/bin and /usr/lib.
/var - is devoted to data that changes from one boot to the next, such as logs, databases, webpages, and temporary spool (email, etc.) files. Its /var/log directory, which houses system log files, is noteworthy.
/lib -includes crucial kernel modules and dynamic libraries.
/boot - includes the Linux kernel, a RAM disc image, and bootloader configuration files, among other startup-related files.