Linux Operating System

Linux Operating System

Operating Systems

  • An Operating System (OS) is an interface between a computer user and computer hardware. An operating system is a software that performs all the basic tasks like file management, memory management, process management, handling input and output, and controlling peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers.

Operating System Classifications

  • Batch Processing Operating System

  • Interactive Operating System

  • Multitasking or Timesharing Operating System

  • Real-time Operating System

  • Parallel Processing or Multiprocessing Operating System

  • Distributed or Multicomputing Operating System

  • Cluster Operating System

  • Grid Operating System

Types of Operating Systems

  • DOS

  • Windows

  • Linux

  • Fedora

  • Ubuntu

  • Mac OS

  • Android

About Linux

  • Linux is used both to run parts of the Internet, as well as to run small and large networks in corporations, offices and homes. Since Linux is stable, secure and robust, it's perfect for storing huge databases of information.

  • A commercial version of linux is released by RedHat in early 1990's.

  • Linux is a example of Open Source Software Development and free Operating system.

  • Linux can be Freely dsitributed downloaded freely. There are priced version of linux also.

  • Linux can be used by everyone.

Types of Linux

  • Android

  • Arch Linux

  • Centos

  • Debian

  • Elementary OS

  • Fedora Linux

  • Gentoo Linux

  • Kali Linux

  • Linux Lite

  • Linux Mint

  • Manjaro Linux

Linux tasks for DEVOPS

  • Creating and editing files

  • Running programs

  • Managing users, groups and permissions

  • Understanding where programs and system files are kept – this is sometimes called the Linux directory structure

  • Configuring network connections and firewalls

  • Installing and configuring software – usually called packages in Linux

  • Building and compiling software – for example, how to build Java, C or JavaScript programs

  • Monitoring programs and processes – e.g. using the command top

  • Automating all of the things above – using simple scripting like Bash
